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usa quotes

usa quotes

I was amazed, confounded. This was America, a nation where, whatever its flaws, individuals could 
talk, compose, amass, show unafraid. It was in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights. We were a popular 

In any case, I realized it wasn't a fantasy; there was an excruciating irregularity on my head

The state and its police were not nonpartisan refs in a general public of battling interests. They were on the rich and incredible. Free discourse? Attempt it and the police will be there with their ponies, their clubs, their firearms, to stop you

From that second on, I was not, at this point a liberal, an adherent to oneself adjusting character of American majority rule government. I was an extremist, accepting that something central wasn't right in this nation - not simply the presence of destitution in the midst of incredible abundance, the loathsome treatment of individuals of color, yet something spoiled at the root. The circumstance required another president or new laws, yet a removing of the old request, the presentation of another sort of society- - agreeable, quiet, libertarian

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